Genvieve HINDEMet OfficeEquatorial mixed layer depth anomalies in a global ocean-atmosphere coupled systemPoster PDF
Annika JERSILDGMAO NASA GoddardImproving ENSO Predictions using the GMAO S2S Forecast system through evaluation of Observation Systems
Elise OLSONECCCSurface Marine Heatwave Prediction Skill in the Canadian Seasonal to Inter-annual Prediction System (CanSIPS)Poster PDF
Gyundo PAKKIOSTRegional Ocean-Atmosphere Coupled Modeling system for the entire North Pacific developed by the Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology
Maheswar PRADHANIndian Institute of Tropical MeteorologyObserving System Experiments focusing Monsoon PredictionPoster PDF
Yu-Heng TSENGNational Taiwan Uni.Evaluation of Multi-scale Ocean-atmosphere Coupled Modelling SystemPoster PDF
Kyaw Than OONanjing Uni.The Complex Teleconnections and Feedback Mechanisms between Mainland Indochina's Southwest Monsoon and Arctic Ocean Climate Variability Poster PDF