C. Amadio - OGSIntegrating BGC-Argo predicted profiles via Convolutional Neural Networks into the Data Assimilation of the Copernicus Mediterranean biogeochemical model
D. Horemans - Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Evaluating the prediction skill of correlative estuarine species distribution models trained with mechanistic model output
C. Barron - U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Validation and assimilation of satellite sea surface temperature to characterize sub-mesoscale features in assimilative ocean and coupled earth system prediction models
A. Moore - University of California Santa CruzWeak Constraint 4D-Var Data Assimilation in the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) using a Saddle-Point Algorithm
M. Gharbi Dit Kacem - OGSRetrieval of Biogeochemical Properties in Marine Waters Using a Newly Introduced Inversion of the Three-stream Irradiance Model
J. Waters - Met OfficeInvestigating the potential impact of assimilating total surface current velocity data in the Met Office’s global ocean forecasting system
L. Macé - University of LiègeContribution of radiative transfer modelling to a stochastic biogeochemical forecasting system in the Black Sea
L. Macé - University of Liège
K. Mogensen - ECMWF
Effects of atmosphere and ocean horizontal model resolution on upper ocean response forecasts in four major hurricanesEffects of atmosphere and ocean horizontal model resolution on upper ocean response forecasts in four major hurricanes