
Session 4

Global and basin scale ocean forecasting and reanalysis
Session 4.1

Session 4.1 Global and basin scale ocean forecasting and reanalysis

R. Bourdallé-Badie - Mercator Ocean International The Copernicus Marine global “blue” ocean reanalysis: past, present future

Y. Le Clainche - Fisheries and Oceans Canada Class 4 verification of the Canadian operational ice-ocean prediction systems

T. Ferreira - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro 20 years of monitoring the Brazil Current along the NOAA-AX97 High-Density XBT line: in situ observations and Ocean Forecasting and Analysis Systems assessment

J.M. Lellouche - Mercator Ocean International The Copernicus Marine Service global ocean analysis and forecasting 1/12° high-resolution system. Recent changes and future evolution

A. Samuelsen - NERSC A physical-biogeochemical hindcast for the Nordic Seas and Arctic 1950-2018

P. Thoppil - U.S. Naval Research Laboratory Evaluating an Ensemble Forecast System for Loop Current Eddy Separation in the Gulf of Mexico

Session 4.2 Coupled ocean/atmosphere prediction - ROOM IV

L. Vanina-Dart - ALT SuperVision LTD The Salinity Effect on Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction in Global Tropical Cyclogenesis

Y. Artioli - Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) Assessing mid-century basin and regional climatic trends for Integrated Ecosystem Assessment: scenario vs model uncertainty

Y. Zhang - NMEFC A seasonal to interannual ensemble climate prediction system

S. Moreton - Met Office The current status and future developments of the UK Met Office operational coupled ocean-atmosphere numerical weather prediction system

J. Metzger - U.S. Naval research LabU.S. Navy earth system prediction system (ESPC) development from R&D to operations

Session 4.3 Extreme events

S. Akella - NOAAEulerian and Lagrangian sampling of water masses along hurricanes

S. Mogen - University of Colorado Boulder Multi-month forecasts of marine heatwaves and ocean acidification extremes

N. Lovenduski - University of Colorado BoulderForecasting phytoplankton bloom extreme events across the global ocean