
Session 2

Coastal sea level, waves, and nearshore currents prediction
Session 2.1
Coupled physical-bio-geo-chemical regional and coastal prediction systems
Session 2.4

Session 2.1 Coastal sea level, waves, and nearshore currents prediction

M. Haller - Oregon State UniversityBuilding an improved operational coupled wave/current forecast at the Columbia River Mouth 

S. Morucci - ISPRAHow uncertain is the Sea Level forecast?

R. P GWave induced coastal flooding in Indian coastal regions during Kallakadal events

Session 2.2 Ocean circulation prediction in shelf seas

N. Park - Pukyong National UniversityApplying MOM6 for High-Resolution Coastal Modeling of Yeosu-Gwangyang Bay, Korea

S. Sirisup - National Electronics and Computer Technology CenterData-Driven Forecasting of Residual Currents in Coastal Bays Using High-Frequency Radar Observations

S. Galiana - Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC)Towards a regional operational modelling system of the Catalan Coast (NW Mediterranean Sea)

M. Dunphy - Fisheries and Oceans CanadaUncertainty characterization for high-resolution near-shore models

G. Fearon - SAEONA relocatable approach to regional ocean forecast systems: applications along South Africa’s continental shelf

L. Gulliver - Naval Research Laboratory - Stennis Space CenterAnalysis of A Semi-Permanent Downwelling Zone in the East China Sea Using Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) with and without Tides

Session 2.3 Regional ocean circulation prediction

Y. Kim - Pukyong National UniversityEvaluation of Vertical Coordinate Systems in a Regional MOM6 for the Northwest Pacific

A. Aydogdu - CMCCGlider observations in the Western Mediterranean Sea: their assimilation and impact assessment using four analysis and forecasting systems

C. Kerry - UNSW Assessing predictions of ocean eddy subsurface structure: A case study in an eddy-rich region over a period of unprecedented data richness (Sept-Nov 2023)

Z. Wang - NMEFC Numerical simulation of the Northwest Pacific based on the MaCOM regional model

B.W. An - Centre for Climate Research Singapore Development of a regional ocean prediction model for the Southeast Asian Seas

S. Durski - Oregon State UniversityA tale of two models: Intercomparison of Bering Sea simulations from structured- (ROMS) and unstructured-(SCHISM) grid models

P. Myers - University of AlbertaAn examination of the freshwater content of the Beaufort Gyre and Arctic shelves in a suite of NEMO model simulations

Session 2.4 Coupled physical-bio-geo-chemical regional and coastal prediction systems - ROOM IV

M. Choblet - University of LiegeStudying the impact of particle resuspension for modeling and predicting Hypoxia on the Black Sea shelf

V.C. Yumruktepe - Nansen Center Using Argo data to improve biogeochemical models, a case study for the Nordic Seas and the Arctic operational model

M. Butenschön - CMCCMultiple Pressure Exposure and Mitigation Potential of Europeans Seas under the Climate Hazard

G. Bonino - CMCCEnhancing Coastal Modeling: Integrating Suspended Particulate Matter effects on Biogeochemical Processes in the Tyrrhenian Sea 

V. Di Biagio - OGSImpact of high-resolution atmospheric and riverine boundary conditions on Mediterranean Sea biogeochemical dynamics 

L. Nerger - AWICoupled assimilation of satellite temperature and chlorophyll observations for improved ecosystem predictions in the Baltic Sea 

A. Conchon - CLSLow and mid-trophic levels reanalysis in the European Copernicus Marine Service catalogue

Session 2.5 Coastal resilience and long term prediction

Y.H. Tseng - National Taiwan UniversityProjected Changes of Kuroshio in a Warming Climate 

V. Ganesh - Azim Premji University, IndiaSea Level Rise Projections for the Tamil Nadu Coast: An Analysis of Present and Future Trends 

M. Pozo Buil - University of California Santa CruzPredictability in the California Current Coastal Ecosystem 

L. Fitria - Chung Yuan Christian UniversityEnhancing Coastal Resilience in Taiwan through Satellite-Based Multi-Hazard Prediction Systems and Blue Carbon Integration

N.R. Randresihaja - UCLouvainMultiscale modeling of the Scheldt-North Sea continuum and atmospheric resolution's impact on Storm Surges 

E. Ivanov - University of LiègeUsing a coupled model to downscale the effects of climate change and human offshore installations until the year 2100 on the North Sea ocean services