S. Sirisup - National Electronics and Computer Technology CenterData-Driven Forecasting of Residual Currents in Coastal Bays Using High-Frequency Radar Observations
L. Gulliver - Naval Research Laboratory - Stennis Space CenterAnalysis of A Semi-Permanent Downwelling Zone in the East China Sea Using Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) with and without Tides
A. Aydogdu - CMCCGlider observations in the Western Mediterranean Sea: their assimilation and impact assessment using four analysis and forecasting systems
C. Kerry - UNSW
Assessing predictions of ocean eddy subsurface structure: A case study in an eddy-rich region over a period of unprecedented data richness (Sept-Nov 2023)
S. Durski - Oregon State UniversityA tale of two models: Intercomparison of Bering Sea simulations from structured- (ROMS) and unstructured-(SCHISM) grid models
L. Fitria - Chung Yuan Christian UniversityEnhancing Coastal Resilience in Taiwan through Satellite-Based Multi-Hazard Prediction Systems and Blue Carbon Integration
E. Ivanov - University of LiègeUsing a coupled model to downscale the effects of climate change and human offshore installations until the year 2100 on the North Sea ocean services