

The OceanPredict ’24 will be exciting and varied, featuring plenary sessions, discussions, poster sessions, a large number of splinter sessions, and exhibitions, which will support and encourage exchange and networking with symposium attendees representing diverse and exciting ocean communities. The four days of the symposium (Mon-Thu) will allow attendees to gain a broad view, and at the same time in-depth understanding of OceanPredict work, research & development, communities, partner interaction and industry and society benefit. Days 3 and 4 specifically, are set up to allow hands-on experience through training, townhall discussion, specialised technical meetings, and options for informal exchange with other meeting attendees. Day 5 will be dedicated to internal OceanPredict meetings. Abstracts submitted to the symposium will be assigned as oral presentations in splinter sessions, with an opportunity for the authors to discuss and receive feedback from an international audience, or as posters for a direct and focused exchange with the full symposium audience in the friendly and inspiring environment of the IOC HQ. 

OP24' Agenda CET time

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November 18, 2024
Registration & Poster set-up
Chair: Marie Drevillon - Mercator Ocean International - Rapporteur: Kirsten Wilmer-Becker - Met Office
Introduction speech
VidarHelgesen (IOC - UNESCO)
EricChassignet (FSU)MauroFacchini (DG DEFIS)
Chair: Pierre-Yves Le Traon - Mercator Ocean International - Rapporteur: Eric Bayler - NOAA
Keynotes - Theme #1
- Shaping the future : the importance of structuring our international collaboration in ocean forecasting - Pierre Bahurel - Mercator Ocean International - Looking Back While Moving Forward: The Importance of Partnerships in Ocean Observing - Steven Thur - NOAA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PierreBahurel (MOi)StevenThur (NOAA)
Coffee Break
Session 1.1A - Ocean prediction: Past, present, and future - ROOM II
Chair: G. Brassington - Australian Bureau of Meteorology Rapporteur: E. Clementi - CMCC How can ocean reanalyses improve global ocean prediction? Towards a new ocean reanalysis intercomparison exercise M. Drevillon - Mercator Ocean international Past achievements and ongoing efforts of observing system evaluation by the OceanPredict community Y. Fujii - JMA/MRI Copernicus Marine Service Evolution Strategy S. Guinehut - Mercator Ocean International Space oceanography at CNES Y. Faugere - CNES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MarieDrevillon (MOi)GhadaEl Serafy (Deltares)YanniceFaugere (CNES)YosukeFujii (JMA/MRI)StephanieGuinehut (MOi)AgustinSanchez-Arcilla (UPC-BarcelonaTech)
Session 2.4 - Coupled physical-bio-geo-chemical regional and coastal prediction systems - ROOM IV
GiuliaBonino (CMCC)MommeButenschön (CMCC)MathurinChoblet (Uni. of Liege)ValeriaDi Biagio (OGS)LarsNerger (AWI)OlivierTitaud (CLS)Veli ÇağlarYumruktepe (The Nansen Center)
Session 4.3 - Extreme events - ROOM IX
Chair: M. Juza - SOCIB Rapporteur: N. Makrygianni - Met Office NOAA / NOS’ Surge & Tide Operational Forecast System (STOFS) upgrade to v2.1.9 S. Moghimi - NOAA Eulerian and Lagrangian sampling of water masses along hurricanes S. Akella - NOAA Multi-month forecasts of marine heatwaves and ocean acidification extremes S. Mogen - University of Colorado Boulder Forecasting phytoplankton bloom extreme events across the global ocean N. Lovenduski - University of Colorado Boulder -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SanthaAkella (NOAA)NicoleLovenduski (Uni. of Colorado Boulder)SamuelMogen (Uni. of Colorado Boulder)Saeed Moghimi (NOAA)
Chair: Eric Chassignet - FSU - Rapporteur: Kirsten Wilmer-Becker - Met Office
UN Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development - Pathways to 2030
JulianBarbière (IOC - UNESCO)
OceanPrediction DCC: Connecting the world around OceanPrediction
EnriqueAlvarez Fanjul (MOi)
The Impact and Contributions of ForeSea
Fraser Davidson (ECCC)
Chair: Fraser Davidson - ECCC - Rapporteur: Eric Chassignet - FSU
Keynotes Theme #6 - Emerging Systems for a Sustainable Blue Economy: Transforming Data into Actionable Intelligence
FrancisPavanathara (INCOIS)JenniferVeitch (SAEON)
Coffee Break
Forum: International mobilization for ocean prediction in the framework of the UN Ocean Decade - ROOM II
PART I: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF UN DECADE OCEAN DIGITAL ECOSYSTEM 4:00 pm - Introducing the Vision 2030 – UN Decade Challenges 8 “Digital representation of the ocean” Jan Bart Calewaert - IOC-UNESCO 4:10 pm - EC vision for a digital ocean knowledge system and the strategic partnership with IOC-UNESCO Nicolas Segebarth - DG Research and Innovation 4:20 pm - Round Table: General discussion on the development of a UN Decade digital ecosystem Moderator: Enrique Alvarez Fanjul - Mercator Ocean International OceanPrediction DCC - DITTO - Marina Tonani - Mercator Ocean International - Ocean Best Practices - Jay Pearlman - IEEE France, Four Bridges - ForeSea - Fraser Davidson - ECCC DCO Ocean Observing - CoastPredict - Villy Kourafalou Uni. of Miami/Rosenstiel School - Ocean Observing Co-Design Programme - Emma Heslop IOC-UNESCO DCO Data Sharing - Ocean Data 2030 - Pier Luigi BUTTIGIEG AWI - EMODnet - Vicente Fernandez SSBE PART II: ROUND TABLE - INTERNATIONAL MOBILIZATION FOR FIT FOR PURPOSE OCEAN PREDICTION CAPABILITIES Moderator: Pierre-Yves Le Traon - Mercator Ocean International 1. Integrating ocean observations to better monitor and predict the ocean - GOOS Joanna Post - IOC-UNESCO 2. The role of space agencies to advance satellite observing capabilities and ocean prediction Lidia Cucurull NOAA 3. World Meteorological Organization (WMO) contributions: aligning ocean, weather and climate predictions for integrated global perspectives – connection with WIPPS activities Katy Hill - WMO 4. Benefits of the UN Ocean Decade framework – OceanPrediction DCC and ForeSea Marie Drevillon - Mercator Ocean International 5. Benefits of international cooperation in advancing operational centers from research to operations Fraser Davidson - ECCC Guimei Liu - NMEFC 6. Enhancing connection between ocean observations, ocean forecasting and its applications to serve society - GEO/Geo Blue Planet Audrey Hasson - Mercator Ocean International SUMMARY OF KEY OUTCOMES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EnriqueAlvarez Fanjul (MOi)Pier LuigiBUTTIGIEG (AWI)Jan-BartCalewaert (IOC - UNESCO)Fraser Davidson (ECCC)MarieDrevillon (MOi)VicenteFernandez (SSBE)AudreyHasson (MOi)EmmaHeslop (IOC - UNESCO)KatyHill (WMO)VillyKourafalou (Uni. of Miami)Pierre-YvesLe Traon (MOi)GuimeiLiu (NMEFC)JayPearlman (IEEE)Joanna Post (IOC-UNESCO)NicolasSegebarth (DG Research and Innovation)MarinaTonani (MOi)
Session 5.2 - Data assimilation - ROOM IX
Chair: L. Nerger - AWI Rapporteur: A. Moore - Uni. of California Santa Cruz Validation and assimilation of satellite sea surface temperature to characterize sub-mesoscale features in assimilative ocean and coupled earth system prediction models C. Barron - U.S. Naval Research Laboratory Hybrid covariance super-resolution data assimilation F. Counillon - NERSC Supermodelling towards improved climate prediction T. Singh - NERSC A study of forecast sensitivity to observations in the Bay of Bengal using LETKF B. Paul - INCOIS Ocean Data Assimilation Towards Submesoscales J. D'Addezio - U.S. Naval Research Laboratory Deterministic and Ensemble forecasts of Kuroshio south of Japan S. Ohishi - RIKEN Weak Constraint 4D-Var Data Assimilation in the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) using a Saddle-Point Algorithm A. Moore - University of California Santa Cruz -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CharlieBarron (U.S. Naval Research Lab)FrançoisCounillon (NERSC)JosephD'Addezio (U.S. Naval Research Lab)AndrewMoore (Uni. of California Santa Cruz)ShunOhishi (RIKEN)BiswamoyPaul (INCOIS)TarkeshwarSingh (NERSC)
Session 6.2- Development of operational systems - ROOM IV
Chair: Y. Drillet - Mercator Ocean International Rapporteur: Arya PAUL - INCOIS Development of an Ocean Forecast System for the Western South Atlantic Ocean F. Barberini - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Automated short-term forecast of Karenia brevis trajectory on the West Florida Shelf Y. Liu - University of South Florida High-resolution real-time forecasting systems and services in support of fine-scale field experiments in the Western Mediterranean Sea B. Mourre - CSIC-IMEDEA Assessment of the Operational Readiness Level of the Spanish Ports forecasting system A.M. Matulka Tokay - Puertos del Estado Evaluation of Marine Heatwaves Forecast in GEOS-S2S Version 3 System L. Ren - NASA/GMAO - SSAI The South African National Oceans and Coastal Information Management System's Co-Designed Path from Data Production to Actionable Insights J. Veitch - SAEON Development of the Four-Dimensional Variational Global Ocean Data Assimilation System for Coupled Predictions in Japan Meteorological Agency T. Yoshida - JMA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FernandoBarberini (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))YonggangLiu (Uni. of South Florida)AnnaMatulka (Puertos del Estado)BaptisteMourre (CSIC-IMEDEA)LiRen (NASA/GMAO-SSAI)JenniferVeitch (SAEON)TakumaYoshida (Japan Meteorological Agency)
Icebreaker cocktail - UNESCO Restaurant
Photo exhibition introduction: The special version of the exhibition dedicated to OP’24 is supported by IOC UNESCO and Mercator Ocean International with funding from the European Union through the EU4OceanObs project. Our Ocean from Space benefits of the support of key actors including Mercator Ocean International and Copernicus Marine Services, ESA, CNES, ASI and CMCC. - Benoit Delplanque - Curator, Timkat - Fiorella Coliolo - Curator - Mariana Menendez - ESA Speeches - Eric Chassignet - FSU “OceanPredict/ForeSea: “An ocean science network to accelerate, strengthen and increase the societal impact of ocean prediction” - Vidar Helgesen - IOC-UNESCO “Impactful partnership with OceanPredict/ForeSea” - Craig Donlon - ESA “Advancing global initiatives at ESA in collaboration with ocean prediction science to enhance predictive capabilities for a more sustainable future” - Pierre Bahurel - Mercator Ocean International “Copernicus Marine Services: Empowering End Users for a Sustainable Future” -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PierreBahurel (MOi)EricChassignet (FSU)FiorellaColiolo (Timkat)BenoitDelplanque (Timkat)CraigDonlon (ESA)VidarHelgesen (IOC - UNESCO)MariaMenendez (ESA)