Dina EPARKHINAEuroGOOSScientists for Ocean Literacy: Empowering Scientists as Ocean AdvocatesPoster PDF
Lorena LOMBANAUni. of SalamancaResilient coastal lands: Envisioning transformative adaptation scenarios in the face of climate change in Cispatá Bay.
Antonio NOVELLINOETT, ItalyIn Situ Ocean Data in Support of Ocean Prediction: data management and workflows in Europe
Lena SPRUCHBSHPrediction of biogeochemical processes in the Baltic Sea with a new Nemo4.2.1-FABM-ERGOM model system Poster PDF
Di WANFisheries & Oceans CanadaDevelopment and Challenges towards building Canada’s Digital Twins of the Ocean: Observations, Modelling, Forecasting, Analyses and Applications