

The four-day symposium will include plenary, splinter, and poster sessions, as well as round tables with focused discussions. The main outcomes of the symposium will be summarized during the last day and key messages will be formulated. Participants are invited to submit abstracts for their presentations or posters.

Symposium format
A plenary session for each theme will include inspirational keynote lectures focusing on science topics underpinning UN Ocean Decade activities, and providing an overview of the research community’s current focus and vision for the future. Associated splinter sessions will be focusing on the symposium themes and discuss the progress in operational oceanography at the research level. Thematic breakout sessions titles will be communicated at a later stage, after acceptance of the participants abstracts. 
There will also be town hall events on key topics with podium discussions and opportunities for active participation by the audience. Town hall discussions and training sessions, lively poster sessions and social events will enable informal interaction throughout the week. 
Each participant is invited to submit one abstract for an oral or a poster presentation, indicating which themes they will address, ranking three themes by order of relevance at the abstract submission stage.

Find out more from the OceanPredict website