Alkor EZERBogazici Uni;An investigation of the marine mucilage bloom using earth observation data and geospatial techniques
Ruby VALLARINO-CASTILLOUP MadridCoastal Dynamics in the Pacific of Panama: An Analysis of Historical Records and Their Implications for Coastal Risk ManagementPoster PDF
Ana J. ABASCALIHCantabriaA coastal and estuarine operational oceanography system and derived downstream services for marine pollution prevention and water quality management Poster PDF
Pierre BRASSEURCNRS-IGEBRIDGES-AVATAR: a new research project to building a digital avatar of social-ecological systems of the South-West Indian OceanPoster PDF
Peter Teye BUSUMPRAHMinistry of Fisheries and Aquaculture DvpmtData Sharing among Local Fishermen in GhanaPoster PDF
Lorinc MESZAROSDeltaresDemonstration of three Focus Applications using the underlying models for the European Digital Twin Ocean
Young-Gyu PARKKIOSTOrigin and pathway of the floating Sargassum in the Yellow and East China SeaPoster PDF
Salem Ibrahim SALEMKyoto Uni. of Advanced ScienceAdvanced Monitoring of Harmful Algal Blooms in the Gulf of Mexico (2016-2023) using OLCI-Sentinel-3 and Convolutional Neural Networks
E Chern WONGJellyGoJellyGo: Bridging Science and Application through an In-situ-Based Jellyfish Abundance Prediction Model