Wayne De JAGERUni. of Cape Town Increased rotational Coupling between Antarctic Sea Ice and the Atmosphere Over the Last 30 Years
Elisabeth DOUGLASSNaval Research LaboratoryRecent Updates in Sea Ice Modeling within U.S. Navy Earth System Prediction Capability (ESPC) modelPoster PDF
Gilles GARRICMercator Ocean InternationalMultivariate sea ice data assimilation in a global ¼° NEMO4.2/SI3 modelPoster PDF
Matthew MARTINMet OfficeThe impact of the sea-ice thickness assimilation on the short-range forecasts of the Met Office’s coupled NWP systemPoster PDF
Courtney PAYNEUni. of Colorado BoulderQuantifying the potential predictability of Arctic marine primary production
Keguang WANGNorwegian Meteorological InstituteLocal analytical optimal nudging: theoretical formulations and application in sea ice and ocean assimilationsPoster PDF