
Chair: J. Staneva - Hereon Rapporteur: B.J. Choi - Chonnam National Uni. Co-development of operational rip hazard forecasts for the Cape Peninsula of South Africa C.L. Ramjukadh - South African Weather Service, Government (Parastatal) Verification and value of wave forecast for water sports A. Wojciechowska - Private individual Assessing Operational Regional to Coastal Ocean Predictions in the framework of the Copernicus Marine and Coastal Services S. Ciliberti - Nologin Oceanic Weather Systems The LisOcean model, an operational model to provide coastal risks and environmental services co-designed with end-users for the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (Portugal) S.Romão - CoLAB +ATLANTIC A coastal hazards prediction system in the Canadian High Arctic to answer community needs J. Baudry - UQAR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------