
Chair: K. Mogensen - ECMWF Rapporteur: C. Kerry - Uni. of New South Wales OneArgo – Evolving and extending Argo’s missions and data delivery. Achievements, status and outlook B. King - National Oceanography Centre Impact of SWOT Data in a global high-resolution analysis and forecasting system M. Benkiran - Mercator Ocean International Investigating the potential impact of assimilating total surface current velocity data in the Met Office’s global ocean forecasting system J. Waters - Met Office Comparison of two ways of assimilating SWOT observations using NCODA-4DVAR H. Ngodock - U.S. Naval Research Lab OSSEs with SWOT and Gliders in the Southwest South Atlantic with HYCOM+RODAS C. Tanajura - UFBA and REMO Development of Observing Quantitative Assessment Capabilities for Ocean Applications at NOAA L. Cucurull - NOAA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------