Session 2.1 - Coastal sea level, waves, and nearshore currents prediction - ROOM II
Nov 19, 2024 — 10:30 am - 12:15 PMRoom II
Room II
Presented by
Chair: Y. LIU - Uni. of South Florida
Rapporteur: TBC
Building an improved operational coupled wave/current forecast at the Columbia River Mouth
M. Haller - Oregon State University
Assimilation of Satellite and In Situ Data for Ocean Storm Prediction and Storm Surge Monitoring to Enhance Community Resilience
M.K. Das - National Oceanographic And Maritime Institute - NOAMI
Predicting the Last-Mile Boundary Layer hydrodynamics in Coastal Zones, observations and models
C. Brandini - CNR - ISMAR
How uncertain is the Sea Level forecast?
S. Morucci - ISPRA
Wave induced coastal flooding in Indian coastal regions during Kallakadal events
Wave forecasting system in Benin based on the TOMAWAC-TELEMAC model
F. Bonou - IRHOB